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Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 0126012X     EISSN : 2338557X     DOI : 10.14421
Al-Jamiah invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Islam, Muslim society, and other religions which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science and others.
Articles 19 Documents
Search results for , issue " Vol 50, No 2 (2012)" : 19 Documents clear
Sundanese Sufi Literature and Local Islamic Identity: A Contribution of Haji Hasan Mustapa’s Dangding Rohmana, Jajang A.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.303-327


In many scholarly discussions, the network of Malay-Indonesian ulama has gained important attention as it is maintained as the major element contributing to the process of Islamization in Sunda region (West Java), whereas the articulation of Islam in the lights of the indigenization efforts of Islam is often neglected. The article discusses dangding as one of Sundanese metrical verses by a renown Sundanese poet, Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). It is argued that dangding of Mustapa demonstrates a type of dialogue between sufism and Sundanese culture. Through his dangding, Mustapa successfully brought Islamic mysticism into Sundanese minds. The main focus of this study is to emphasize the significances of the position of Mustapa’s dangding in the light of network of Islamic scholars in the archipelago and of the contribution of Sundanese mystical dangding to the local literacy traditions and to the making of Sundanese-Islamic identity.[Pendekatan jaringan ulama Melayu-Indonesia selalu mendominasi banyak kajian Islamisasi di wilayah Sunda (Jawa Barat), sementara artikulasi Islam dalam artian pribumisasi Islam di wilayah tersebut kerap kali dikesampingkang. Artikel ini membahas dangding sebagai salah satu bentuk sastra Sunda, khususnya yang ditulis oleh Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). Penulis berpendapat bahwa dangding tersebut merupakan salah satu ekspresi budaya yang mengakulturasikan tasawuf dalam konteks masyarakat Sunda. Artikel ini mengulas signifikansi dangding yang dikreasi oleh Haji Hasan Mustapa dalam konteks jaringan kesarjanaan muslim di Indonesia dan kontribusi dangding dalam pembentukan identitas Islam Sunda.]
Ibn ‘Arabi and the Transcendental Unity of Religions Bahri, Media Zainul
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.461-483


This essay describes Ibn ‘Arabi’s comprehensive views, captured in his important Futuhat and Fusus, on the concept of wahdat al-adyan, the discrepancy of beliefs, and the Shari’ah as well as its juncture and its unity. Elaborated explanation in this paper is expected to result in a true understanding of this crucial issue, particularly the concept of religious pluralism in the discourse of Islamic studies. Ibn Arabi’ extensively  discusses religion in the sense of the “ideal” versus “historical” or “esoteric” versus “the exoteric”. Ibn ‘Arabi concludes that the absolute unity of religions may only occur within spiritual, ideal, or transcendental realm (or “esoteric”), which is beyond the formal form of religions. Hence, the transcendental unity of religions cannot be found in the formal form of religions nor in the shari’ah.[Artikel ini mengulas pandangan Ibn ‘Arabi’ mengenai wahdat al-adyan seperti dijelaskan dalam dua bukunya; Futuhat dan Fusus, dan perbedaan dan kesamaan antara iman dan shariah. Diharapkan diskusi artikel ini berkontribusi dalam kajian pluralisme, utamanya dalam disiplin studi Islam. Dalam diskusinya, Ibn Arabi’  menjelaskan perbedaan ‘ideal’ dan ‘historikal’ atau antara ‘esoterik’ dan ‘eksoterik’. Ibn ‘Arabi berpendapat bahwa kemanunggalan agama-agama dapat dicapai melalui spiritualitas, ideal, atau dimensi transcendental (esoterik) yang ada di luar tampilan formal agama-agama. Dengan kata lain, kemanunggalan tersebut tidak akan ditemukan pada shari’ah.]
The Paradox Between Political Islam and Islamic Political Parties: The Case of West Sumatera Province Wanto, Adri
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.329-368


The aim of this paper is to explain the apparent paradox between political Islam and Islamic political parties in Indonesia. On one hand, the support for Islamic political parties is in decline, while, on the other religious intolerance and the implementation of local regulations based on the shari’ah laws have increased in many provinces. This paper argues that political Islam and Islamic political parties are not synonymous. Moreover, the aim of achieving an ideal society according to an Islamist’s vision and their religious interpretations does not only by adopt a top-down strategic model through participation in formal politics but also by using bottom-up strategic model by focusing on the societal level. By adopting gradualist approaches, hardliner Islamist ideas disseminate peacefully in Indonesia today. This study will focus on West-Sumatra as a case study, considering West Sumatra is one of the most widely province issued the shari’ah laws in Indonesia. This article will shed light on local and often underestimated dynamics.[Artikel ini menjelaskan paradoks antara Islam politik dan partai politik Islam di Indonesia. Jika pada satu sisi, dukungan terhadap partai politik Islam menurun, namun pada sisi berbeda tingkat intoleransi dan angka peraturan daerah berbasiskan syariah meningkat. Karena itu, artikel ini berargumen bahwa Islam politik dan partai politik Islam tidak selalu sejalan. Selain itu, cita-cita untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang Islami tidak melulu harus diwujudkan dari atas-ke-bawah melalui partisipasi politik, namun juga dari bawah-ke-atas, yakni menitikberatkan pada level masyarakat. Dengan strategi gradual -perlahan-lahan-, gagasan fundamentalis Islam tanpa sadar telah menginfiltrasi. Artikel ini menjelaskan Sumatra Barat sebagai studi kasus persoalan di atas. Pilihan Sumatra Barat berdasarkan pada realitas bahwa di propinsi inilah, perda shari’ah paling banyak diberlakukan. Artikel ini akan berkontribusi pada diskusi mengenai politik lokal dan dinamikanya.]
Editorial: From Public Domain to Islamic Philosophy
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.ix-x


The current edition of Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies throws light on various themes related to contemporary development of Islamic religiosity with its multiple contexts. Indeed, Islam has become inspirations for many who uphold its dogma. Muslims, like any other who embrace other faiths, have participated in the creation of various traditions along human history. The author detects the internal development of the PKS in which its activists responded to the gender issues in two ways. The first group remains conservative in line with Islamist ideology. The second group seems to start looking at the issue in a rather progressive way. Whereas the conservative wing displays their ideological stance, the progressive wing exhibits pragmatic step in response to the demand of the current context. After all, this shows ambiguity in the party’s position pertaining to gender issues.
Piety, Politics, and Post-Islamism: Dhikr Akbar in Indonesia Hasan, Noorhaidi
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.369-390


Dhikr akbar has developed into a performance that provides the opportunity for the sharing of political ideas, thus helping to constitute and negotiate a new public sphere. It is one of the most remarkable developments in the public visibility of Islam in post-Suharto Indonesia. Involving reflexive actions which are significant in the construction of personal and social identity, the dhikr akbar has the ability to silently invoke relations, actions, symbols, meanings and codes, and also to bind in one symbolic package changing roles, statues, social structures and ethical and legal rules. An active religiosity which takes the form of peaceful, esoteric expressions, the dhikr akbar represents a new sense of piety. To some extent, it can be conceptualized as an alternative to religious fundamentalism, an outward-oriented activism tempted to change the society or existing system with one based on religion. Normally performed in a cultural space which attracts public esteem, it serves as a concentrated moment of communality and expression of a community’s faith and, at the same time, a means of empowering political, social and economic networks.[Dhikr Akbar berkembang menjadi ‘panggung’ di mana gagasan politik dapat disemai, karena itu berperan dalam mengokohkan dan menegosiasi ruang publik baru. Dhikr Akbar adalah salah satu bentuk ritual Islam di ruang publik yang berkembang pasca Orde Baru. Melalui aktifitas reflektif yang berperan dalam pembentukan identitas personal dan sosial, dhikr akbar mampu memunculkan relasi, aksi, simbol, makna, dan kode, sekaligus untuk mempertemukan kesemuanya dalam satu bentuk simbol peran yang berubah, status, struktur sosial, dan etika serta aturan hukum.  Sebagai satu bentuk religiusitas aktif yang berbentuk corak Islam yang tenang  dan berorientasi pada dimensi dalam-esoteris, dhikr akbar dapat disebut pula sebagai satu bentuk kesalehan baru. Bentuk kesalehan dapat juga merupakan bentuk keagamaan yang berbeda dengan fundamentalisme, yang berorientasi pada aktifisme dimensi luar dengan tujuan merubah masyarakat atau sistem yang berlaku dengan sistem yang dianggap Islami. Dhikr akbar yang biasanya diselenggarakan di ruang budaya menarik perhatian masyarakat. Kegiatan ini menjadi aktifitas yang mampu menyatukan komunalitas dan ekspresi agama serta pada saat yang sama, mempertemukan jaringan politik, sosial, dan ekonomi.
Radio Fatwa: Islamic Tanya-Jawab Programmes on Radio Dakwah Sunarwoto, S.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.239-278


The present article is a study of radio fatwa in Indonesia with special reference to the Tanya-Jawab genres in radio dakwah. The concept of fatwa has changed over time. Such Islamic Tanya-Jawab programmes broadcast on radio dakwah are important to understand how fatwa is disseminated by means of media, since Islamic Tanya-Jawab programmes can be considered as part of fatwa. These programmes give not only information about Islam, but also become a forum in which interpretation of Islam takes place. This can be seen in the discussion on the Islamic ruling on eating “dog meat”, in which interpretation of Islamic law is highly contested.[Artikel ini mendiskusikan radio fatwa di Indonesia, utamanya tentang program tanya-jawab yang disiarkan radio dakwah. Konsep fatwa terus berubah dan program tanya-jawab merupakan salah satu cara bagaimana fatwa disebarluaskan melalui berbagai media. Penulis berpendapat bahwa program Tanya-Jawab dapat disebut sebagai salah satu bentuk fatwa. Ini karena program tersebut tidak saja mengetengahkan informasi mengenai Islam, namun juga interpretasi mengenai Islam. Perdebatan mengenai hukum memakan daging anjing merupakan salah satu contoh isu kontroversial yang akan dijelaskan melalui artikel ini.]
Catholics, Muslims, and Global Politics in Southeast Asia Al Qurtuby, Sumanto
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.391-430


This article discusses the role of catholics, muslims, and civic associations in the global politics of the Philippines and Indonesia. The two countries have shared in common with regard to the geographical feature (both are archipelagic countries), the diversity of societies and cultures, and the history of colonialism, dictatorship, ethno-religious violence, and political movement, to name but a few. In addition to their similarities, both countries also have significant differences in particular pertaining to religious dominance (the Philippines dominated by Catholicism, while Indonesia by Islam) and the structure of their societies: while the Philippines is a class-stratified society, Indonesia has long been ideologized by colonial and post-colonial religious and political powers. Apart from their parallels and distinctions, religion --both Catholicism and Islam-- has marvellous role, negatively or positively, in global politics and public cultures, indicating its vigor and survival in global political domains. This comparative paper, more specifically, examines the historical dynamics of the interplay between religion, civil society, and political activism by using the Philippines and Indonesia as a case study and point of analysis.[Artikel ini mendiskusikan peran Katolik, Muslim dan asosiasi warga dalam politik global di dua negara; Indonesia dan Filipina. Kedua negara tersebut memiliki kesamaan, baik dalam hal ciri geografis sebagai negara kepulauan, keragaman masyarakat dan budayanya, sejarah kolonialisme, pemerintahan diktator, kekerasan etnik-agama, serta gerakan keagamaan. Terlepas dari kesamaan tersebut, keduanya memiliki perbedaan, utamanya menyangkut agama dominan (di Filipina didominasi oleh Katolik, sementara di Indonesia oleh Islam) dan struktur masyarakatnya (Filipina ditandai dengan stratifikasi masyarakat berdasarkan klas sosial, sementara di Indonesia ditandai dengan ideologi agama kolonial, paska-kolonial, politik). Terlepas dari kesamaan dan perbedaan antara keduanya, agama -baik Katolik maupun Islam- memainkan peran penting, baik negatif maupun positif, dalam politik global dan budaya publik. Ini menandai kuatnya peran agama di kedua negara itu. Artikel ini menggunakan analisis perbandingan, utamanya terhadap dinamika sejarah hubungan antara agama, masyarakat sipil, dan aktifisme politik.]
Islamic Schools and Social Justice in Indonesia: A Student Perspective Raihani, R.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.279-301


The study explores how students of two different Islamic Senior Secondary Schools in Palangkaraya, Indonesia experience school practices in regards to social justice. Employing a qualitative approach, the researcher conducted ethnographic observations of the schools’ practices and events, and interviewed more than fifty students of the two schools individually and in groups to understand their feelings and perspectives about how the schools promote social justice among them. The findings suggest that several school structures including the subject stream selection, student groupings, the emergence of the model or international classroom were found to have been sources for social injustice. Students of the Social Sciences and Language groups, of low academic performance and economically disadvantaged admitted the feeling of unfair treatment because of this structuration. Confirming the theory of social reproduction, the schools failed to provide distributive, cultural and associational justices, and reasserted further inequalities among members of society.[Artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana siswa pada dua Sekolah Menengah Atas di Palangkaraya, Indonesia merasakan praktik pendidikan di sekolah mereka, khususnya terkait dengan masalah keadilan sosial. Melalui studi kualitatif, penulis melakukan observasi etnografis terhadap praktik pendidikan dan kegiatan sekolah serta melakukan wawancara dengan lebih dari lima puluh orang siswa, baik secara individual maupun dalam kelompok, untuk mengetahui pandangan mereka mengenai bagaimana sekolah mereka mendorong pelaksanaan prinsip keadilan sosial. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa struktur pendidikan di sekolah tersebut, seperti pengelompokan kelas berdasarkan konsentrasi jurusan, pola keberkelompokan siswa, dan munculnya kelas-kelas internasional, menyebabkan ketidakadilan sosial di dalam institusi pendidikan. Siswa kelas Ilmu Sosial dan Bahasa cenderung minim dalam pencapaian akademik, dan secara ekonomi berasal dari kalangan menengah ke bawah. Mereka merasakan bahwa sistem pengelompokan kelas yang berlaku melanggengkan ketidakadilan sosial. Selaras dengan teori reproduksi sosial, sekolah tersebut telah gagal mengimplementasikan keadilan distributif, kultural dan asosiasional, dan bahkan telah melanggengkan ketidakadilan sosial.]
From Shari‘a ‘Ayniyya to Shari‘a Hududiyya: Shahrour’s Interpretation on Quranic Legal Verses Khusen, Moh
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.431-459


This article elaborates a new paradigm in the interpretation of Qur’anic legal verses conducted by a Syrian thinker, Mohammad Shahrour. This study shows that, according to Shahrour, Islamic jurisprudence is not “‘ayniyya”, but “h‍‍ududiyya” since for him, all legal rules carried by the verses represent the limits of Allah which people can behave. Shari‘a h‍ududiyya proves that Shahrour’s approach to the Quranic legal verses can be characterized as an open-ended process of socio-political and moral codes. Still holding on to the tool of textual analysis but combining it with a new perspective, h‍ududiyya, Shahrour manages to be faithful to the text and at the same time, compatible with the ideas and values of modernity and humanism. Elaborated by other theories from other disciplines, especially mathematics and physics, Shahrour provides six types of limits which encapsulate all Shari‘a cases equipped with their characteristics, differentiations and implementations. [Artikel ini menjelaskan paradigma baru dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Quran seperti diperkenalkan oleh seorang pemikir berkebangsaan Syria, Mohammad Shahrour. Artikel ini memperlihatkan bahwa, menurut Shahrour, ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Quran itu tidak bersifat “‘ayniyya”, namun “h‍ududiyya” karena berfungsi untuk membatasi. Shari‘a h‍ududiyya yang diperkenalkan Shahrour menjelaskan bahwa pendekatan terhadap ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Quran  bersifat terbuka. Dengan tetap berpijak pada pendekatan tekstual terhadap al-Quran sembari memperhatikan pandangan baru, h‍ududiyya, Shahrour berhasil mempertemukan teks al-Quran dengan ide-ide dan norma-norma modernitas dan humanisme. Dijelaskan melalui teori-teori yang berkembang di disiplin ilmu lain, utamanya matematika dan fisika, Shahrour memperkenalkan enam tipe batasan Shari‘a.]
From Shari‘a ‘Ayniyya to Shari‘a Hududiyya: Shahrour’s Interpretation on Quranic Legal Verses Khusen, Moh
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.431-459


This article elaborates a new paradigm in the interpretation of Qur’anic legal verses conducted by a Syrian thinker, Mohammad Shahrour. This study shows that, according to Shahrour, Islamic jurisprudence is not “‘ayniyya”, but “h‍‍ududiyya” since for him, all legal rules carried by the verses represent the limits of Allah which people can behave. Shari‘a h‍ududiyya proves that Shahrour’s approach to the Quranic legal verses can be characterized as an open-ended process of socio-political and moral codes. Still holding on to the tool of textual analysis but combining it with a new perspective, h‍ududiyya, Shahrour manages to be faithful to the text and at the same time, compatible with the ideas and values of modernity and humanism. Elaborated by other theories from other disciplines, especially mathematics and physics, Shahrour provides six types of limits which encapsulate all Shari‘a cases equipped with their characteristics, differentiations and implementations.[Artikel ini menjelaskan paradigma baru dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Quran seperti diperkenalkan oleh seorang pemikir berkebangsaan Syria, Mohammad Shahrour. Artikel ini memperlihatkan bahwa, menurut Shahrour, ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Quran itu tidak bersifat “‘ayniyya”, namun “h‍ududiyya” karena berfungsi untuk membatasi. Shari‘a h‍ududiyya yang diperkenalkan Shahrour menjelaskan bahwa pendekatan terhadap ayat-ayat hukum dalam al-Quran  bersifat terbuka. Dengan tetap berpijak pada pendekatan tekstual terhadap al-Quran sembari memperhatikan pandangan baru, h‍ududiyya, Shahrour berhasil mempertemukan teks al-Quran dengan ide-ide dan norma-norma modernitas dan humanisme. Dijelaskan melalui teori-teori yang berkembang di disiplin ilmu lain, utamanya matematika dan fisika, Shahrour memperkenalkan enam tipe batasan Shari‘a.]

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